Custom Pigpen Cipher Encoder and Decoder

how does this work? This is a little helper for de- and enciphering the Pigpen Cipher - a fairly known and quite insecure substitution cipher. Yet, it is quite easy to cipher by hand, so it can be fun for some little riddles.
I have created this Tool because all other online versions only allowed the defauls assignment of characters to glyphs and I wanted a custom key for some extra cryptanalysis. So here it is, allowing you to encode and decode with your custom key configuration - have fun!
Define the alphabet
You can enter any character next to each symbol to assign them to each other. By clicking on "apply key" your settings will be applied to any en- and decodings in the future (as long as you stay on the page).
If you have assigned a character to more than one glyph, you key will not be saved. Instead, the conflicting groups will be highlighted. Each Conflicting group has their own color so it's easier to spot the errors.
Start Ciphering
The top box is for your plaintext - just type it in, hit "encode" and the encoded message will appear in the box below.
You can also type in an encoded message and decode it - makes it less timey if you messed up a key. Klick on the glyphs and they will be added to the bottom box in that order. In addition, below the bottom box there are buttons for adding a single space character, as well as a line break. You can alos delete the last symbol or everything.

Define the alphabet

Key misconfiguration detected

Some letters have been assigned twice and your configuration has not been saved. Please fix the highlighted groups and save again.

Start Ciphering

🖨 print output box include plaintext